
International College Counselors 分析2013年大学入学统计

对于做出大学决定的家长和学生来说,《纽约时报》汇编的一些数据可能会为大学录取过程提供一些视角。 对于那些质疑为什么他们被一所大学录取而不是另一所大学录取的人,这份清单将提供一些有价值的见解。 The Choice 公布了其 2013 年大学录取统计数据清单……

International College Counselors 宣布2013年大学奖学金作文大赛获奖者

http://www.internationalcollegecounselors.com/ [International College Counselors __title__ ] announces the winners of the 2013 College Scholarship Essay Contest. Four winning high school students received $250 college scholarships. “This year’s winning essays inspired us and resonated with us intellectually,” said Mandee Heller Adler, CEO and founder of International College Counselors. “These teens gave the topic a lot of…