International College Counselors 2018 Results

Congratulations to the Class of 2018
At International College Counselors, we pride ourselves on our ability to work with students of all backgrounds to find their “best fit” college. Each year, as the competition increases, our students continue to impress us with their hard work, skill, and drive—all traits that admissions officers look for in an increasingly difficult application process. It is with pride that we announce our admissions results for the Class of 2018, and most of all, showcase our students’ talent and dedication with a snapshot of this year’s data.
Statistics from the Class of 2018
217 students (100% attending a 4-year institution)
947 acceptances
1,996 submitted applications
259 different institutions received applications
87 different institutions will be attended
The Class of 2018 received offers of admission to 206 different colleges and universities.
The number of acceptances follows the name of the school:
Adelphi University | 1 | Pepperdine University | 1 | |
American University | 14 | Pomona College | 2 | |
Amherst College | 1 | Princeton University | 1 | |
Arizona State University | 2 | Purchase College State University | 1 | |
Auburn University | 2 | Purdue University | 9 | |
Babson College | 14 | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute | 1 | |
Baldwin Wallace University | 1 | Rhodes College | 1 | |
Bard College at Simon’s Rock | 1 | Rice University | 1 | |
Barnard College | 1 | Ringling College of Art and Design | 1 | |
Bates College | 1 | Roger Williams University | 3 | |
Baylor University | 1 | Rollins College | 3 | |
Bentley University | 9 | Rutgers University-New Brunswick | 3 | |
Berklee College of Music | 1 | Samford University | 1 | |
Berry College | 1 | Santa Clara University | 1 | |
Binghamton University | 1 | Santa Fe College | 1 | |
Boston College | 7 | Sarah Lawrence College | 1 | |
Boston University | 21 | Savannah College of Art and Design | 1 | |
Bradley University | 1 | Seton Hall University | 1 | |
Brandeis University | 3 | Skidmore College | 5 | |
Brown University | 2 | Smith College | 1 | |
Bryant University | 2 | Southwestern University | 1 | |
Bryn Mawr College | 1 | Spelman College | 1 | |
California Polytechnic State University | 1 | St. John’s University – Queens Campus | 1 | |
Carnegie Mellon University | 4 | Stanford University | 2 | |
Case Western Reserve University | 4 | State University of New York at Albany | 1 | |
Chapman University | 1 | Stetson University | 1 | |
Clark University | 2 | Suffolk University | 5 | |
Clarkson University | 1 | SUNY Buffalo State College | 1 | |
Clemson University | 1 | SUNY College at Oneonta | 1 | |
Colby College | 1 | SUNY College at Potsdam | 1 | |
College of Charleston | 1 | SUNY Oswego | 1 | |
College of the Holy Cross | 1 | Swarthmore College | 2 | |
College of William and Mary | 2 | Syracuse University | 13 | |
Colorado School of Mines | 2 | The American University of Paris | 2 | |
Columbia University | 4 | The Catholic University of America | 2 | |
Concordia University Texas | 1 | The George Washington University | 15 | |
Cornell University | 9 | The Juilliard School | 1 | |
Dartmouth College | 3 | The New School – All Divisions | 2 | |
DePaul University | 2 | The Ohio State University | 2 | |
Drew University | 1 | The University of Alabama | 5 | |
Drexel University | 16 | The University of Arizona | 7 | |
Duke University | 5 | The Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | 6 | |
Duquesne University | 1 | The University of Tampa | 2 | |
Eckerd College | 3 | The University of Texas, Austin | 8 | |
Elon University | 10 | The University of Texas, San Antonio | 1 | |
Emerson College | 5 | The University of Warwick | 1 | |
Emmanuel College | 2 | Towson University | 1 | |
Emory University | 6 | Trinity University | 1 | |
Fairfield University | 1 | Tufts University | 6 | |
Fashion Institute Design & Marketing | 2 | Tulane University | 20 | |
Florida A&M University | 1 | University of California, Berkeley | 6 | |
Florida Atlantic University | 8 | University of California, Davis | 1 | |
Florida Gulf Coast University | 4 | University of California, Irvine | 1 | |
Florida International University | 15 | University of California, Los Angeles | 6 | |
Florida State University | 38 | University of California, San Diego | 1 | |
Fordham University | 9 | University of California, Santa Barbara | 4 | |
Franklin & Marshall College | 1 | University of California, Santa Cruz | 1 | |
George Mason University | 1 | University of Central Florida | 33 | |
Georgetown University | 3 | University of Chicago | 4 | |
Georgia Institute of Technology | 10 | University of Colorado at Boulder | 14 | |
Gettysburg College | 1 | University of Denver | 5 | |
Gonzaga University | 1 | University of Florida | 48 | |
Goucher College | 3 | University of Georgia | 2 | |
Hamilton College – NY | 2 | University of Hartford | 2 | |
Hampshire College | 1 | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | 3 | |
Harvard College | 2 | University of Kentucky | 2 | |
High Point University | 2 | University of Maryland, College Park | 24 | |
Hofstra University | 5 | University of Massachusetts, Amherst | 5 | |
IE University – Madrid | 1 | University of Miami | 57 | |
Indiana University at Bloomington | 32 | University of Michigan | 28 | |
Ithaca College | 3 | University of Minnesota, Twin Cities | 1 | |
Jewish Theological Seminary of America | 5 | University of North Carolina at Asheville | 1 | |
Johns Hopkins University | 4 | University of North Carolina at Wilmington | 1 | |
Kenyon College | 2 | UNC School of the Arts | 1 | |
La Salle University | 1 | University of North Florida | 6 | |
Lafayette College | 2 | University of Notre Dame | 2 | |
Lasell College | 2 | University of Oregon | 1 | |
Lehigh University | 2 | University of Oxford | 1 | |
Laboratory Institute of Merchandising | 2 | University of Pennsylvania | 11 | |
Louisiana State University | 2 | University of Pittsburgh | 4 | |
Loyola Marymount University | 2 | University of Puget Sound | 1 | |
Loyola University Chicago | 3 | University of South Carolina | 2 | |
Loyola University Maryland | 1 | University of South Florida, Tampa | 12 | |
Lynn University | 5 | University of Southern California | 11 | |
Marist College | 3 | University of Tennessee, Knoxville | 1 | |
Marymount Manhattan College | 2 | University of Utah | 1 | |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology | 3 | University of Vermont | 1 | |
Montana State University, Bozeman | 1 | University of Virginia | 8 | |
Muhlenberg College | 3 | University of Washington | 1 | |
New College of Florida | 2 | University of Wisconsin, Madison | 8 | |
New York University | 21 | Ursinus College | 2 | |
North Carolina A&T State University | 1 | Vanderbilt University | 5 | |
North Carolina State University | 1 | Vassar College | 3 | |
Northeastern University | 30 | Villanova University | 2 | |
Northwestern University | 7 | Virginia Tech | 2 | |
Nova Southeastern University | 6 | Washington and Jefferson College | 2 | |
Oberlin College of Arts and Sciences | 1 | Washington University in St. Louis | 14 | |
Occidental College | 1 | Wellesley College | 1 | |
Ohio University | 1 | Wesleyan University | 1 | |
Oklahoma City University | 1 | Willamette University | 1 | |
Pace University, New York City | 7 | Yale University | 4 | |
Pennsylvania State University | 12 | Yeshiva University | 2 |