ACT Extended-Time Test Administration Will Change in September

Starting in September, the ACT is changing for students who qualify for 50% extended time. Under the existing rules, examinees have five hours to complete the four test sections at their own pace, with no individual time limits on each section. Examinees who qualify for extended-time accommodations on the ACT will now have a time limit on each section of the test.
For students who require structure and pacing to achieve maximum performance this may be a positive change. For most students who require the extra time, however, this may be a set-back as students will now be forced to sit and wait before starting the next section.
To qualify for extended time, students need a diagnosed disability or have English learning needs.
Who will be Impacted
Examinees impacted are those who qualify for National Extended Time testing, also known as 50% extended time. Such examinees will receive time-and-a-half on each of the four required multiple choice subject area tests (English, mathematics, reading and science).
The New Time Limits for National Extended Time Testing
- English – 70 minutes (compared to standard 45 minutes)
- Mathematics – 90 minutes (compared to standard 60 minutes)
- Reading – 55 minutes (compared to standard 35 minutes)
- Science – 55 minutes (compared to standard 35 minutes)
Examinees get a 15-minute break after the second test rather than taking individual breaks through the test.
Examinees taking the optional ACT writing test will still have 60 minutes to respond to the prompt (compared to 40 minutes in the standard administration), with a short five-minute break before.
Timing of the Changes
The changes will take effect in September 2018 and will not impact the upcoming June or July 2018 ACT national test dates.
For more information on ACT testing or with any or all other parts of the college admissions process, visit or call 954 414-9986.