Author: Aimee Heller

Top 7 College Admission Trends of 2021-2022

At the conclusion of each year’s admission cycle, the college experts at International College Counselors meet as a team to reflect on college admissions trends and the results of that year’s process. We examine our clients’ results as well as the admission data offered by the colleges themselves. The more counselors, parents, and students know,…

Tips for Transferring Colleges

At International College Counselors, we know how important it is for students to like—and be a good fit for—the school they attend. No matter where students find themselves in their college journeys, our advisors are here to help navigate the search and application process to ensure students end up at an institution where they can…

8 Tips for High School Juniors: Ways to Boost Your College Chances Over the Summer

Juniors, keep the momentum going this summer with these tips for high school juniors. You’ve made it this far—now is not the time to lose steam. Use your time wisely to get ahead. What you do this summer could be the factor that pushes your application from a no or maybe to a YES. Here’s…

Demonstrate Interest in a College and Boost Your Chances of Admission

With so many applications flooding in, a number of colleges are looking for students to do more, such as “demonstrate interest” in a college to help them decide which ones to accept. Gain extra points with admissions by showing the colleges that you’re interested in them. In the mind of admission readers, students who show…