Author: Aimee Heller

A photo which illustrates International College Counselors provides insight to help students and their families in understanding the FAFSA.

Understanding the FAFSA and its Role in Financing Education

If your student is planning to attend college, chances are you’ve heard of the FAFSA — the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Using it to apply for aid can sometimes make higher education more accessible and affordable, yet many students and families find the process intimidating or even overlook it altogether. Here’s an overview…

A photo illustrating the best summer activities for college admissions as shared by a college advisor South Florida from International College Counselors.

Best Summer Activities for College Admissions

December is almost here, and believe it or not, now is the perfect time to start planning a high school student’s summer chock full of the best summer activities for college admissions. Summer activities are more than just a break from school—they’re valuable opportunities that can showcase a student’s curiosity, drive, and initiative. Colleges are…

A photo illustrating International College counselors shares Ivy League Tips for getting into the school plus info on how the Ivy League schools came to be.

Ivy League: Tips for Getting In + Ivy League Schools: How They Came to Be

Known for their academic rigor, rich history, and global influence, Ivy League schools represent the pinnacle of American higher education. Prestigious names like Harvard, Yale, and Princeton immediately come to mind. But how did these eight elite institutions come to be collectively known as the “Ivy League,” and what makes them so distinctive? Here’s a closer…

A photo illustrating a college advisor South Florida at International College Counselors reveals how Glimpse Videos are changing the college admissions landscape.

How Glimpse Videos are Changing the College Admissions Landscape

When it comes to college admissions, students have traditionally relied on personal statements, recommendation letters, and a polished resume to showcase who they are. Recently, however, a new trend is emerging, one that offers a more dynamic and authentic way for applicants to introduce themselves: Glimpse videos. Glimpse videos provide an opportunity for students to…

An illustration of International College Counselors offers critical, last minute supplemental essay tips for college admissions.

Last-Minute Supplemental Essay Tips for College Admissions: A Crunch-Time Guide

Time is ticking, and the pressure is on to complete your college applications, including the crucial supplemental essays. Students who are short on time but still want to submit strong, compelling essays, don’t worry! ***We Have an Expert Who Can Help You!*** If your student is feeling overwhelmed or unsure about where to begin—we’ve got…