ICC Blog

Revisiting College Rankings After Harvard and Yale Law Schools Withdraw From U.S. News Rankings

Revisiting College Rankings After Harvard and Yale Law Schools Withdraw From U.S. News Rankings

In September, International College Counselors wrote a blog about U.S. News & World Report’s 2022 College Rankings. As we know, high school students and their parents are almost always fascinated by college rankings, even though they should not be relied on to help students find the right college for them. On November 16, 2022, Yale and Harvard’s law schools,…

How to Handle Getting An Early Action/ Early Decision Deferral or Denial

How to Handle Getting An Early Action/ Early Decision Deferral or Denial

If a student applied Early Decision or Early Action to any schools, they will be hearing back over the next few months. But what happens if a student who applied to college receives notification of an Early Action/ Early Decision deferral or denial? If your application was ACCEPTED: Enjoy the good news. Take some well-deserved…

How to Choose a Primary or Secondary School According to Expert Educational Consultants

How to Choose a Primary or Secondary School According to Expert Educational Consultants

Choosing a primary or secondary school is one of the most important educational decisions a family can make which is why many parents choose to work with an educational consultant. These years are a significant period in a young person’s life. During this time, parents learn about additional support which may help their child, build…

Why You Should Submit Your College Applications Now, Not Later

Why You Should Submit Your College Applications Now, Not Later

There are many benefits to turning in your application in advance of the actual deadline. At International College Counselors, we recommend students submit their college applications at least three weeks before the admissions deadline. Why should students aim to get their college applications in early? Here are some reasons.  1. Peak performance. Stress kills productivity. Rushing to get…