ICC Blog

Virtual and In-Person College Fairs Offer Opportunities to Connect with College Representatives

High school students and their parents can explore college options by attending an in-person or virtual college fair—a gathering of dozens of college fair representatives all in one place at one time. At a college fair, you can chat with a school representative and/or drop in on a presentation. At these fairs, admissions representatives provide…

IB, AP, and AICE: They’re all college-level programs; what are the differences?

When students take AP, IB and AICE courses, they are studying college-level material while they’re in high school. These courses challenge students to explore topics in depth and work at a higher level by incorporating critical thinking, analysis, synthesis, multiple perspectives, and verbal communication skills. In a high school that uses a weighted GPA system,…


UF and FSU Applications Are Up. Why? What Does This Mean for Students?

According to news out of the University of Florida, 60,000 students applied to the fall 2022 entering class, more than double the nearly 29,000 students who applied for fall of 2014. And according to Hege Ferguson, director of admissions for Florida State University, as of January 7, 2022, they have received 67,291 first-year applications for…

Don’t Panic – We’ve got you! How to Handle a College Early Decision/ Early Action Deferral or Denial

Don’t Panic – We’ve got you! How to Handle a College Early Decision/ Early Action Deferral or Denial

Students who applied to college Early Decision or Early Action will receive notification of one of three decisions: their application has been accepted, deferred, or denied. If your application has been ACCEPTED — GOOD FOR YOU!! Take time to relax and enjoy! If your application was DEFERRED If you are one of the millions who…

Florida Seniors/ Class of 2022: Apply for the Bright Futures Scholarship

Florida Seniors/ Class of 2022: Apply for the Bright Futures Scholarship

  Florida high school graduates may earn the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship for academic achievement and community service. Take advantage of the 2021-22 program by applying even if you are NOT planning to attend a Florida college. If you transfer to a Florida college for any reason, even after first attending an out-of-state school, this…