Tips for High School Seniors

Signs, Symptoms, and Dangers of Senioritis

Symptoms: Laziness. Skipping classes. Failing to study hard for tests or to write coherent papers. Disinterest in school-related academics and activities. Diagnosis: Senioritis Prescription: Graduation Avoid the epidemic. Don’t catch senioritis. Slacking off in your senior year may seem like something you feel you deserve, but chances are you’ll do yourself more harm than good….

College Admissions Officers Use Blogs and Facebook

College admissions offices are using blogs, Facebook, and other social networks for a number of reasons. One is to tell students more about their schools. Another is to check up students they’re considering for admissions. President and Founder of International College Counselors, Mandee Heller Adler, reveals how to create an online presence that works to a student’s advantage.