Dr. Lourdes Martinez Cowgill

Dr. Cowgill,
We owe this all to YOU Dr. Cowgill. Thank you for your undying efforts in assisting our son through this process.
We thank you for being you.
With much appreciation,
I am officially a member of the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Undergraduate Engineering, Class of 2018! Overjoyed does not even begin to describe my feelings about this. I am relieved, happy, ecstatic and excited, and every other positive adjective that can be applied to the situation. Thank you for all of your help over these past few months, I truly believe you helped me make my dream a reality.
Recibe un abrazo de mi parte y mi sincero agradecimiento por tu profesionalismo y tu cariño hacia nuestra hija Mary.
Tu fuiste con tus consejos y tu experiencia, una guía, un orden y un apoyo en este proceso de Mary. De nuevo, MUCHAS GRACIAS!!!!
Feliz Navidad, que el 2014 venga colmado de vida y salud.
Recibe un fuerte abrazo,
Dear Lourdes,
I wanted to start by thanking you for the support and patience you have provided for us during this process, I couldn’t have done it without you.
Not only do I feel grateful, but my parents and I also see you as the ultimate college advisor.
Again, I couldn’t have achieved half of what I have without your guidance.
Warm regards,