Eight Reasons to Hire an Independent College Advisor

As colleges get more and more selective about the students they admit, high schoolers and their parents are feeling more stressed. Adding to the pressure is the news about high achievers whose applications have been turned down by very competitive colleges. This knowledge, plus knowing how to fill out the applications, choosing which high school courses to take, deciding what extracurriculars to pursue, figuring out how to write essays, and selecting from hundreds of colleges to apply to is enough to make any family yearn for relief.
You might want to hire an independent college advisor to navigate this chaotic college admissions landscape!
Here are some points to consider:
1. Stress reduction. The college admissions process can be overwhelming and stressful. Application deadlines, numerous requirements, and last-minute decisions can cause high levels of anxiety. An independent college advisor can help ease the stress with careful planning and effective strategies. We can also facilitate the relationship between parents and students. The college admissions process requires a lot of work; however, with a personal college coach by your side, it doesn’t have to be as stressful.
2. Getting off to a strong start. Many students have no idea what colleges want to see on their applications or even what they are interested in studying. Independent college counselors are skilled at guiding students toward extracurricular activities that enable them to explore and showcase their interests, before honing in on how to apply their interests, needs, and strengths toward choosing the right college.
3. Receiving objective advice. An independent college advisor gives you the opportunity to hear from someone who remains objective about college choices and programs, which you don’t get when talking to college representatives. With an independent college consultant who, in many cases, has visited scores of colleges, your student can explore a wide variety of options and discuss possibilities in a thoughtful way.
4. Accessing the most current information. A college advisor stays informed regarding college and admission issues. By visiting colleges, meeting and communicating with admissions staff, and staying connected to changes in higher education, college advisors work with the most accurate and current information.
5. Benefiting from a comprehensive approach. College counselors offer guidance based on the following and more:
- College profiles
- SAT/ACT scores
- Course rigor
- Extracurricular activities
- Early Decision/ Early Action application strategies
- Application and essay review
- College interview preparation
- Teacher recommendation letters
6. Matching with the best fit schools. With their extensive knowledge of schools and colleges, independent educational consultants can broaden the potential choices and assist in weighing factors including cost, location, culture, and curriculum. Independent college advisors understand the colleges, including what kinds of students thrive at each one. In addition to finding ideal academic fits for students, a private college counselor can also help families save money by matching students with scholarships and schools that fit a family’s budget AND the student’s goals.
7. Exposure to college and extracurricular ideas you’ve never considered. Students may have ideas on what they want to do, but there may be many ideas they never considered. An independent college advisor may recognize characteristics in your student that they might recognize in themself and open them up to new ideas.
8. Benefiting from personalized help. Independent educational consultants are not burdened with high school duties or a heavy student workload, and can be available at your family’s convenience, not just during school hours during the school year.
Why Work with International College Counselors
At International College Counselors, we work with students from all over the world. We provide families and students with individual attention, firsthand knowledge of hundreds of educational opportunities, and the chance to consider and explore multiple options.
Benefit from experience and a team approach.
Every student is unique, and each family has different priorities, preferences, goals, and needs. With over 4,500 colleges, not every college counselor can know everything about each school. Because of this, we opt for a team approach to advising. As a team, we all share the common goal of putting our clients’ needs first. We share resources on schools, admissions strategies, and college contacts. At the same time, each of our college counselors is different when it comes to our backgrounds, areas of specialization, and personality types. Our advisors include former college admissions officers, the former president of one of the nation’s top private high schools, public and private high school counselors, independent school faculty, alumni interviewers, award-winning writers, and varsity college athletes. By working together to identify your unique situation and objectives, our team of advisors is distinctively capable of advising you on the most significant college issues you may face. Our independent college advisor philosophy is that if our clients and prospective clients believe that our company is a good fit, then we will make sure we have an advisor who will also be a good fit.
There is no shortage of individuals and firms willing to help you get your student into college. However, just because someone calls themselves an independent college advisor or a college expert doesn’t always mean they are. Many people consider themselves a single source for all things college admissions oriented: college, scholarships, admissions, testing and more. The best independent college advisers know enough about each of these to be helpful; the worst ones can be harmful.
Independent College Advisor Track Record of Success
Our U.S. and international students have gained admittance to all of the Ivy League schools, premiere institutions like MIT and Stanford, as well as hundreds of other colleges and universities around the nation. However, at International College Counselors, our clientele is diverse, from valedictorians to those who are average in their class. We measure success by helping students find the school that’s the best fit for them. After targeting a student’s school list, the vast majority of our students get accepted to at least one of their top three school choices. We have a 100% success rate of placing students in four-year colleges.
For any and all help with the college admissions process, from choosing schools and extracurriculars to completing the college admissions essays and filling out the Common Application, contact the independent college advisors at International College Counselors. Visit https://internationalcollegecounselors.com/ or call 1-954-414-9986.