ICC gets results.
Students working with International College Counselors have received acceptances from the following schools:
Academy of Art University | Pennsylvania State University |
Adelphi University | Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg |
American University | Pepperdine University |
Amherst College | Pine Manor College |
Appalachian State University | Pratt Institute |
Arizona State University | Princeton University |
Auburn University | Providence College |
Austin Peay State University | Purchase College State University of New York |
Babson College | Purdue University |
Bard College | Queens College of the CUNY |
Barnard College | Quinnipiac University |
Barry University | Reed College |
Baruch College of the CUNY | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Bates College | Rhode Island School of Design |
Bay State College | Rhodes College |
Baylor University | Rice University |
Beacon College | Ringling College of Art and Design |
Becker College | Roanoke College |
Belmont University | Rochester Institute of Technology |
Beloit College | Roger Williams University |
Bentley University | Rollins College |
Berklee College of Music | Rutgers University |
Bethany College | Saint Leo University |
Binghamton University | Saint Louis University |
Birmingham-Southern College | Sam Houston State University |
Boise State University | San Diego State University |
Boston College | Santa Clara University |
Boston University | Santa Fe College |
Bowling Green State University | Sarah Lawrence College |
Brandeis University | Savannah College of Art and Design |
Brown University | School of the Art Institute of Chicago |
Bryant University | School of the Museum of Fine Arts |
Bryn Mawr College | Seton Hall University |
Bucknell University | Simmons College |
Buffalo State College of SUNY | Simon Fraser University |
Butler University | Skidmore College |
California Institute of Technology | Southern Methodist University |
California State University, Chico | Southwestern University |
California State University, Fullerton | Spring Hill College |
California State University, Monterey Bay | Springfield College |
California State University, Northridge | St. John’s University – Queens Campus |
Campbell University | St. Lawrence University |
Canisius College | Stanford University |
Carnegie Mellon University | State University of New York at Albany |
Case Western Reserve University | State University of New York at New Paltz |
Central Michigan University | Stern College for Women |
Champlain College | Stetson University |
Chapman University | Stevens Institute of Technology |
City College of New York CUNY | Stonehill College |
Claremont McKenna College | Stony Brook University |
Clark University | Suffolk University |
Clemson University | Suffolk University – Madrid Campus |
Colby College | SUNY College at Geneseo |
Colgate University | SUNY College at Oneonta |
College of Charleston | SUNY Oswego |
College of the Holy Cross | Susquehanna University |
Colorado College | Syracuse University |
Colorado School of Mines | Tallahassee Community College |
Colorado State University | Texas A&M University |
Columbia College Chicago | Texas Tech University |
Columbia University | The American University of Paris |
Concordia College | The Catholic University of America |
Cooper Union | The Citadel Military College |
Cornell University | The College of Wooster |
Curry College | The George Washington University |
Dartmouth College | The Israel Experience |
Davidson College | The Juliard School |
Denison University | The New School – All Divisions |
DePaul University | The Ohio State University |
Dickinson College | The University of Alabama |
DigiPen Institute of Technology | The University of Arizona |
Drake University | The University of Georgia |
Drew University | The University of Iowa |
Drexel University | The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
Duke University | The University of Nottingham |
Earlham College | The University of Tampa |
Eckerd College | The University of Texas, Austin |
Elms College | The University of Texas, Dallas |
Elon University | The University of Texas, El Paso |
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University | The University of Texas, San Antonio |
Emerson College | Towson University |
Emmanuel College | Trinity College |
Emmanuel College | Trinity University |
Emory University | Tufts University |
Fairfield University | Tulane University |
Fashion Institute of Technology | Union College |
FAU Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College | United States Coast Guard Academy |
Flagler College | United States Merchant Marine |
Florida A&M University | United States Naval Academy |
Florida Atlantic University | Universita Bocconi |
Florida Gulf Coast University | University of British Columbia |
Florida Institute of Technology | University of California, Berkeley |
Florida International University | University of California, Davis |
Florida Polytechnic University | University of California, Irvine |
Florida Southern College | University of California, Los Angeles |
Florida State University | University of California, San Diego |
Fordham University | University of California, Santa Barbara |
Franklin and Marshall College | University of California, Santa Cruz |
George Mason University | University of Central Florida |
Georgetown University | University of Chicago |
George Washington University | University of Colorado at Boulder |
Georgia Institute of Technology | University of Colorado at Denver |
Gettysburg College | University of Connecticut |
Gonzaga University | University of Delaware |
Goucher College | University of Denver |
Grinnell College | University of Florida |
Hampshire College | University of Guelph |
Harding University | University of Hartford |
Hartwick College | University of Houston |
Harvard University | University of Illinois at Chicago |
Harvey Mudd College | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Hawaii Pacific University | University of Indianapolis |
High Point University | University of Kansas |
Hiram College | University of Maryland, College Park |
Hobart and William Smith Colleges | University of Massachusetts, Amherst |
Hofstra University | University of Massachusetts, Boston |
Hollins University | University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth |
Hunter College of the CUNY | University of Massachusetts, Lowell |
Illinois Wesleyan University | University of Miami |
Indiana University at Bloomington | University of Michigan |
Iona College | University of Minnesota, Twin Cities |
Ithaca College | University of Mississippi |
Jacobs University | University of Missouri Columbia |
James Madison University | University of Nevada, Reno |
Jewish Theological Seminary of America | University of New England |
Johns Hopkins University | University of New Hampshire at Durham |
Kansas City Art Institute | University of North Carolina at Asheville |
Kenyon College | University of North Carolina at Wilmington |
King’s College | University of North Carolina School of the Arts |
Lafayette College | University of North Florida |
Lake Forest College | University of Northern Colorado |
Lasell College | University of Notre Dame |
La Salle University | University of Oklahoma |
Lawrence University | University of Oregon |
Lehigh University | University of Pennsylvania |
Lesley University | University of Pittsburgh |
Lewis & Clark College | University of Puget Sound |
LIM College | University of Richmond |
Long Island University, Post | University of Rochester |
Louisiana State University | University of San Diego |
Loyola Marymount University | University of San Francisco |
Loyola University Chicago | University of South Carolina |
Loyola University Maryland | University of South Florida Polytechnic |
Loyola University New Orleans | University of South Florida, Tampa |
Lynn University | University of Southern California |
Macalester College | USC School of Dramatic Arts |
Manhattan College | University of Southern Maine |
Manhattanville College | University of St. Andrews |
Marist College | University of Tennessee, Knoxville |
Marquette University | University of the Pacific |
Marshall University | University of Toronto |
Mary Baldwin College | University of Vermont |
Marymount Manhattan College | University of Virginia |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology | University of Washington |
McDaniel College | University of West Florida |
McGill University | University of Wisconsin, La Crosse |
Mercyhurst University | University of Wisconsin, Madison |
Merrimack College | Vanderbilt University |
Miami Dade College | Vassar College |
Michigan State University | Villanova University |
Middlebury College | Virginia Commonwealth University |
Missouri State University | Virginia Military Institute |
Missouri University: Science and Technology | Virginia Tech |
Mount Holyoke College | Wake Forest University |
Muhlenberg College | Warren Wilson College |
New College of Florida | Warner University |
New England Conservatory of Music | Washington and Lee University |
New Mexico Institute: Mining and Technology | Washington University in St. Louis |
New York University | Wellesley College |
North Carolina State University | Wentworth Institute of Technology |
Northeastern University | Wesley College |
Northern Arizona University | Wesleyan University |
Northwestern University | West Virginia University |
Nova Southeastern University | Western New England University |
Occidental College | Williams College |
Oglethorpe University | Winthrop University |
Ohio Wesleyan University | Worcester Polytechnic Institute |
Pace University, New York City | Yale University |
Pacific Lutheran University | Yeshiva University |
Palm Beach Atlantic University | York College of the CUNY |
Palm Beach State College – South Campus |

ICC has advised students from the following U.S. high schools:
Academic Solutions High School | Marlborough School |
Admiral Farrigut Acadmey | Martin County High School |
AHA International School | Marvin Ridge High School |
Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts | MAST @ FIU |
Alonzo & Tracy Mourning High School | MAST Academy |
American Hebrew Academy | Mazuk High School |
American Heritage School | Matanzas High School |
American Heritage School of Boca/Delray | McNair Academy High School |
Archbishop McCarthy High School | Mercersburg Academy |
Ardrey Kell High School | Miami Arts Charter School |
Atlantic Community High School | Miami Beach Senior High School |
Aventura City of Excellence School | Miami Country Day School |
Avenues The World School | Miami Killian Senior High School |
BAK Middle School of the Arts | Miami Palmetto Senior High School |
Baruch College Campus High School | Middlesex School |
Basalt High School | Milburn Senior High |
BASIS Independent Brooklyn | Millennium High School |
Battery Creek High School | Miller Place High School |
Baylor School | Millfield School |
Bedford High School | Milton High School |
Belen Jesuit Preparatory School | Mira Costa High School |
Bellarmine College Prep School | Miramar High School |
Ben Gamla Charter School | Mission San Jose High School |
Benet Academy | Montclair Kimberley Academy |
Bentley School (Oakland) | Monte Vista High School |
Berean Christian School | Moorestown Friends School |
Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School | Moreau Catholic High School |
Biotechnology High School | Moses Brown School |
Birch Wathen Lenox School | Mount Vernon Christian School |
Bishop Gorman High School | Myers Park High School |
Bishop Guertin High School | Nautilus Middle School |
Blair Academy | Needham High School |
Blessed Trinity Catholic High School | New Canaan High School |
Blind Brook High School | New Hampton School |
Boca Raton High School | New Trier Township High School |
Brentwood School | New World School of The Arts |
Bronxville High School | Newburgh Free Academy |
Brookline High School | Newton North High School |
Brunswick School | Newton South High School |
Bucknell University | Noble and Greenough School |
Byram Hills High School | North Broward Preparatory School |
Calvary Christian Academy | North Miami Beach Senior High |
Canterbury School | Northfield Mount Hermon School |
Capital High School | Northwest High School |
Cardinal Gibbons High School | Notre Dame de la Baie Academy |
Cardinal Newman High School | Nova High School |
Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart | NSU University School |
Castilleja School | NYC iSchool |
Central Catholic High School | NYC Lab School |
Chaminade-Madonna College Prep | Oak Hall School |
Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School | Oak Park High School |
Charlotte Catholic High School | Olympia High School |
Charlotte Country Day School | Olympic Heights Community High |
Charlotte Latin School | Orlando Science Middle High Charter School |
Charter School of Wilmington | Our Lady of Lourdes Academy |
Cherry Creek High School | Oxbridge Academy of the Palm Beaches |
Choate Rosemary Hall | Palisades Charter High School |
Christopher Columbus High School | Palisades High School |
City of Pembroke Pines Charter School | Palm Beach Gardens High School |
Clarkston High School | Palm Harbor University High School |
Clovis West High | Palmer Trinity School |
Cocoa Beach Junior/Senior High School | Park Vista Community High School |
Columbia Grammar/Preparatory School | Paul D. Schreiber High School |
Columbia High School | Pembroke Pines Charter High School |
Community School of Naples | Phillips Academy Andover |
College Academy at Broward College | Phillips Exeter Academy |
Cooper City High School | Pine Crest School |
Coral Gables Senior High School | Pine Crest School-Boca Raton |
Coral Glades High School | Pine View School |
Coral Reef Senior High School | Pinecrest Preparatory Academy |
Coronado High School | Plainview-Old Bethpage JFK High School |
Crossroads School | Plant City High School |
Cushing Academy | Pomfret School |
Cushman School | Pompano Beach High School |
Cypress Bay High School | Providence High School |
Dade Christian School | Quaker Valley High School |
David Posnack Jewish Senior High | Radley College |
Deerfield Academy | Rae Kushner Yeshiva High School |
Design & Architectural Senior High | Ramaz School |
Divine Savior Academy | Ransom Everglades School |
Dobyns Bennett High School | RASG Hebrew Academy |
Doherty Middle School | Red Bank Regional High School |
Don Sofer Aventura High | Reno High School |
Donna Klein Jewish Academy | Richwoods High School |
Dos Pueblos Senior High | Riverdale Country School |
Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High | Riviera Preparatory School |
Dwight School | Roger Ludlowe Middle School |
Dwight-Englewood School | Rohr Bais Chaya Academy |
Eastern Christian High School | Roosevelt High School |
Eastside Christian High School | Roslyn High School |
Edward R. Morrow High School | Rowland Hall |
Eleanor Roosevelt High School | Rye Country Day School |
Environmental & Adventure School | Sage Hill High School |
Episcopal High School | Saint Andrew’s School |
Ethel Walker School | Saint Ignatius College Prep |
Ethical Culture Fieldston School | Saint John Paul II Academy |
Everglades High School | Saint Thomas Aquinas High School |
Exeter Township High School | Santa Margarita Catholic High School |
Fairfield Ludlowe High School | SAR High School |
Fairfield Warde High School | Sarasota Suncoast Academy |
Falcon Cove Middle | Scarsdale Senior High School |
Father Gabriel Richard High School | Scheck Hillel |
Fiorella LaGuardia | School for Advanced Studies-North |
First Baptist Academy | School for Advanced Studies-Wolfson |
FAU High School | Science Hill High School |
Florida Virtual High School | Score at the Top Learning Center & School |
FLVS Full-Time 9-12 | Seattle Academy of Arts & Sciences |
Fort Lauderdale High School | Seminole High School |
Fox Chapel Area High School | Severn High School |
Fox Lane High School | Sewickley Academy |
Francis Lewis High School | Shady Side Academy |
Franklin Academy | Shelton High School |
Friends Academy | Sheridan Technical College |
Friends Seminary | Sidwell Friends School |
Fusion Academy-Los Angeles | South Broward High School |
Galena High School | South Fork High School |
Georgetown Day School | South Plantation High School |
Georgetown High School | Spanish River Community High School |
Germantown Academy | Springfield High School |
Glenbard West High School | St. Andrew’s Episcopal School |
Godolphin & Latmeyer School | St. Francis High School |
Golda Och Academy | St. George’s School |
Grandview Preparatory School | St. Ignatius College Prep |
Grapevine Faith Christian School | St. John’s School |
Great Neck South High School | St. Joseph High School |
Greenwich High School | St. Paul’s School |
Gulliver Preparatory School | St. Paul’s High |
Hackley School | St. Stephen’s School |
Hagerty High School | St. Thomas Aquinas High School |
Half Hollow Hills High East | Staples Elementary |
Harrison High School | Staples High School |
Havard Westlake School | Stuyvesant High School |
Hawaii Preparatory Academy | Suffield Academy |
Health Careers High School | Suncoast Community High School |
Henry M. Gunn High School | TERRA The Environmental Research Institute |
High Technology High School | Terra Linda High School |
Highgate School | The Abraham Joshua Heschel School |
Highland Oaks Middle School | The Benjamin School |
Hillel Yeshiva High School | The Bishop’s School |
Hillel High School The Bullis School | The Bullis School |
Hinsdale Central High School | The Chapin School |
Holton-Arms School | The Columbus School |
Hopkins School | The Country Day School |
Hopkinton High School | The Dalton School |
Horace Greeley High School | The Frisch School |
Horace Mann School | The Galloway School |
Hume Fogg Academic Magnet School | The Governor’s School |
Hunter College High School | The Gregory School |
Huron High School | The Hotchkiss School |
IMG Academy | The Leffell School |
Immaculata – La Salle | The Lincoln School |
Indiana University High School | The Loomis Chaffee School |
Inglemoor High School | The Oaks Private School |
Interlochen Arts Academy | The Overlake School |
International Studies Charter High School | The Peddie School |
iPrep Academy | The Sagemont School |
J. P. Taravella High School | The Spence School |
Jensen Beach High School | The Taft School |
Jericho Senior High | The Thacher School |
John A. Ferguson Senior High | The Trevor Day School |
John Burroughs School | The Village School |
John Harvard Elementary School of Excell | The Webb Schools |
John Taylor Williams Secondary School | The Weber School |
Junipero Serra High School | The Winchendon School |
Jupiter High School | The Woodlands College Park High School |
Kaiser High School | The Woodlands High School |
Katz Yeshiva High School | The Woodlands High School-McCull |
Kennewick High School | Thomas S. Woolton High School |
Kent School | Tomball High School |
Ladue Horton Watkins High School | Tilton School |
Laguna Blanca School | Treasure Valley Math/Science Center |
Lake Forest High School | Trinity Prep School |
Lake Weir High School | Troy High School |
Landmark School | University of Miami Global Academy |
Landon School | University School |
Latymer Upper School | Valparaiso High School |
Laurel Springs School | Vanderbilt University |
Lawrence Academy | Wellington High School |
Leman Manhattan Prep School | West Boca Raton High School |
Leonia High School | West Broward High School |
Lexington High School | Western High School |
Lick-Wilmerding High School | Western Reserve Academy |
Lincoln High School | Westlake High School |
Lincoln Park Academy 6-12 | Westminster Academy |
Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School | Weston High School |
Los Altos High School | Wheatley School |
Lower Merion High School | William T. Dwyer High School |
Lycee Francais de New York | William T. McFatter Technical College |
Magen David Academy | Windward School |
Maine South High School | Winston Churchill High School |
Manhattan Hunter Science High School | Wisconsin Dells High |
Manhattan Village Science High School | Woodlands High School |
Marin Academy | Wooster School |
Mariner High School | Xceed Kendall/Pincrest |
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School | Yeshiva Toras Chaim |
Markham School | York Preparatory School |

ICC has advised students from the following international high schools:
Academia Hebrea de Panama | Graded School – Brazil |
Academia Cotopaxi – Ecuador | Highgate School – England |
ACS Beirut | Immanuel College – England |
American College of Sofia | Instituto Alberto Einstein – Panama |
American Embassy School – India | Institut Florimont |
American International School of Capetown | Institut Le Rosey |
American School of Brasilia | American School of Brasilia |
America School of El Salvador | International Community School – England |
American School of Kuwait | International School of Brussels |
American School of London | International School of Curacao |
American School of Madrid | International School of Geneva |
Anglo American School of Sofia | International School of Panama |
Aspaen Saucara – Colombia | International School of Zug and Luzern |
British Council School – Spain | International School Rheintal – Lichtenstein |
Carlucci International School of Lisbon | Jakarta Intercultural School |
Caxton College – Spain | King Edward’s School Witley – England |
Centro Educacional Espaco Integrado – Brazil | Latymer Upper School – England |
Centro Escolar Picacho McGregor – Mexico | Luanda International School – Angola |
Chigwell School – England | Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz – Switzerland |
City of London School for Boys | Magen David Academy – Panama |
Colegio Aleman Humboldt Guayaquil – Ecuador | Markham School – Peru |
Colegio Anglo Colombiano | Marymount International School – England |
Colegio Bolivar – Colombia | Nazarbayev School – Kazakhstan |
Colegio Brader | NIST International School – Thailand |
Colegio Colombo Britanico – Colombia | Republica de Costa Rica |
Colegio Emil Friedman – Venezuela | School of Moscow |
Colegio Franklin Delano Roosevelt | Singapore American School |
Colegio Integral El Avila – Venezuela | State Gymnasia #7 – Belarus |
Colegio Internacional de Carabobo – Colombia | Tanglin Trust School – Singapore |
Colegio Karl C. Parrish School – Colombia | TASIS-The American School in England |
Colegio Los Nogales | The American School Foundation – Mexico |
Colegio Moral y Luces – Venezuela | The American School in London |
Colegio Nueva Granada – Colombia | The Baldwin School of Puerto Rico |
Colegio Visconde de Porto Seguro – Brazil | The Columbus School – Colombia |
Country Day School – Costa Rica | The International School of Bangalore |
Dunman High School – Singapore | The King’s School – England |
Ecole Jeannine Manuel – France | Unidad Educativa Torremar – Ecuador |
Escuela Bella Vista – Venezuela | United World College of Southeast Asia |
Fundacao Armando Alvares Penteado – Brazil | University College School – England |
Godolphin & Latymeyer School – England | Walworth Barbour American International School |
Wycombe Abbey School – Austria |