athletic recruitment

Casting a Wide Net: Recruitment Tips for Prospective Student-Athletes

Casting a Wide Net: Recruitment Tips for Prospective Student-Athletes

When college advisors have initial conversations with prospective college student-athletes, one of the most common refrains goes something like this: “I want to play for an NCAA team, but only if it’s for a top-ranked program or at a prestigious school.” On the surface, this approach sounds perfectly fine. After all, you may ask, what’s…

Game On: How to be Recruited as a Student-Athlete

How Does College Sports Recruitment Work? Being recruited to a college as a student-athlete is no easy feat. However, hopeful students interested in college sports recruitment can be proactive and take certain steps increase to their chances. Thousands of athletes are overlooked simply because coaches didn’t know they were out there. Whatever your sport, below…

16 Tips for Being Recruited as a Student Athlete

16 Tips for Being Recruited as a Student Athlete

At International College Counselors, parents frequently ask us how their student-athlete can get recruited by a college, and how their student-athlete can get noticed by the right coach. Standout, all-conference athletes at powerhouse high schools typically get noticed by scouts and coaches. However, that leaves thousands of outstanding athletes at smaller high schools being overlooked…