college counselor Boca

An illustration of college advisor Miami from International College Counselors offers college fair tips for upcoming college fairs.

Why You Should Attend a College Fair with Tips on How to Get the Most from One

Choosing the right college is one of the most significant decisions a student will make. With so many options available, the process can feel overwhelming. That’s where college fairs come in. These events, whether in-person or virtual, offer a convenient way for students and parents to efficiently gather valuable information from multiple colleges, universities, and…

Motivate Your Student Before School Starts

Motivate Your Student Before School Starts

Help your student blast past the finish line – college! Avoid the stress caused by the college admissions process. Take advantage of International College Counselors’ collaborative approach and breadth of experience to get the greatest return on your investment in your child. An expert college advisor from International College Counselors will: Provide highly individualized attention throughout the admissions process….