tips for high school

A photo illustrating college advisor South Florida at International College Counselors shares 14 tips for high school and how to start the year off right.

Goodbye Summer! Hello High School. 14 Tips for High School Students to Start the School Year Right.

As summer comes to an end, it’s time to transition from relaxation mode to a productive and successful academic mindset. Whether you’re starting your high school journey or nearing the finish line, every year counts. Setting the right tone now can ease the way for a stellar year ahead. At International College Counselors, we’ve been…

Tips for Choosing High School Courses. The Do’s and the Don’ts.

Tips for Choosing High School Courses. The Do’s and the Don’ts.

Across the country, many high school students are considering which courses to take next year. As they ponder their options, they should know that the level of coursework they choose is an important component of college admissions. Among the tips for choosing high school courses: colleges look for rigor, as well as an indication that a…

school bus

Back to School: 12 Tips to Start the High School Year Off Right

Hello last days of summer! Squeeze everything you can out of them. This coming year, high school students need to get serious. Every year counts – from the freshman year to the senior one. If college is your goal, you need to get the grades and scores, and reach the right levels in your extracurricular…