The Antidote to Uncertain Times? Consider Graduate School

Soon-to-be college graduates may find it difficult to land a job for reasons having nothing to do with them–and everything to do with the coronavirus. One option students in this position may want to consider is graduate school. Grad school can be a real opportunity to increase future earning potential while riding out a tough job market.
Reasons to Consider Grad School
Necessary for a career: Many careers require a graduate degree, including physical therapist, occupational therapist, nurse practitioner, pharmacist, physicist, psychologist, and social worker. Other careers which require a master’s or doctoral degree include doctors, lawyers, urban planners, librarians, and educational administrators.
Bolster competitiveness: A graduate degree may add an important credential that can move a resume to the top of the pile.
Show productivity while waiting out the job market: With national unemployment rate numbers close to 15%, jobs are going to be tough to get even when the country reopens. Grad school is an effective way to show that you used your time wisely in the interim.
As a note, in normal times, experience may be a better credential than a degree in some fields. However, there is less opportunity now to get hands-on experience. If the degree will be an asset in your career field, it’s certainly worth pursuing now.
Pursue interests in depth: Students can dive into the opportunity to develop thoughts, ideas, and scholarly work in a subject that deeply interests them.
Starting the Grad School Admissions Process
Students looking at graduate schools can start both reviewing their options and even applying now. For students who want to start grad school in fall 2021, applications for medical and dental school are now open. Medical school applicants can begin submitting on May 30, while applications for dental school will start being accepted on June 2. Students should apply to medical or dental schools as soon as possible, because the vast majority operate according to a rolling admissions process.
Interested in a graduate degree in education, psychology, history, or another subject? A number of grad schools accept applications over the summer for classes which start in the fall. Applications for law school and some grad schools typically open in the fall for enrollment a year later.
Not sure how to start with researching graduate schools, applying to them, or even if graduate school is right for you or your student? Contact us at International College Counselors, and a college advising expert will be happy to answer your questions.
International College Counselors strives to be a strong resource and partner for your family. Even in these unprecedented times, we can enable your student to reach their fullest potential in the college admissions journey. We’re here to help.
For help with any or all parts of the college admissions process or decision making, visit or call 954-414-9986.
About International College Counselors
International College Counselors works with students from all over the world to help them reach their college and graduate school goals. Through a personal, one-on-one approach, the expert college advisors create an individualized plan for each student based on the student’s strengths, weaknesses, and passions. The holistic process helps families of middle school, high school, and college-aged students alleviate stress, avoid confusion, and get results.
Applying to Ivy League and Highly Selective Colleges
May 27, 2020 at 7:00 PM EST
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