2020: A Year to Remember

Happy Holidays!
First and foremost, we’d like to congratulate our amazing 2021 seniors. So far there have been exciting early acceptances to schools including Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Harvard, University of Pennsylvania, Stanford, Yale, Northwestern, University of Chicago, Vanderbilt, Duke, Emory, George Washington, Babson, NYU, Tufts, Tulane, UM, Northeastern, Syracuse, Wisconsin, Johns Hopkins, Indiana, and several others.
We are incredibly proud of our students for their hard work! We look forward to hearing about upcoming acceptances as the colleges announce them.
For all of our ICC students who have not yet finished the admissions process, please be assured that your International College Counselors advisor will remain with you and your family until you are happily settled into a wonderful school. We believe in each of you!
Although 2020 was an extremely challenging year, we also wanted to share some exciting company news. Recognizing that our collective expertise, international exposure, and institutional knowledge generate a huge advantage for all our families, we will continue to add resources, products, and partnerships in order to best serve you.
1. We worked with over 750 high school students this year who hailed from numerous private and public schools all over the United States. Additionally, our 50+ international students hailed from 18 countries, from China, Costa Rica, and Columbia, to Switzerland, Singapore, and Spain.
2. We are now a full-service educational consulting company. In addition to college advising, graduate school advising, and working with transfer students, we help students navigate the admissions process for boarding schools, primary schools, and secondary schools in the U.S., including public, charter, magnet and private schools.
3. While we are still awaiting final results for the Class of 2021, our Class of 2020 seniors received offers of admission to 204 different colleges and universities, including all the Ivy League schools as well as multiple acceptances to schools including: University of Pennsylvania & UVA (5 students each), Cornell, Boston University & UNC (8 students each), Columbia, Washington University in St. Louis & Duke (4 students each), University of Chicago, Babson & George Washington (6 students each), Yale (2 students), Vanderbilt & Syracuse (7 students each), Brown & Tufts (3 students each), Northwestern (9 students), University of Florida, University of Miami and Indiana University (40+ students each), University of Michigan (24 students), Tulane & NYU (21 students each), Northeastern (26 students), and FSU (39 students). Click here for our complete results listing. We also continued our boarding school and graduate school services with stellar results to numerous prestigious institutions.
4. Our ICC team has grown to 20 employees, including 14 college advisors. We welcomed two new Directors of College Advising to our team: Hans Evers, who has spent over 30 years in higher education, including senior positions in highly selective college admissions offices and top-ranked high schools; and Jillian Nataupskywho brings over 10 years of experience in college counseling and college admissions, including two colleges and two boarding schools. We also welcomed Alexis Metz, who worked as a writing consultant at Miami University’s Howe Center for Writing Excellence and who now serves as an Associate Counselor. We are thrilled to have them all on our team!
5. ICC once again made it a priority to give back to our communities. Our college advisors held over 70 free webinars for high schools and middle schools, public libraries, religious groups, businesses, tutoring centers, leadership groups and other organizations. We honored two students with scholarships through the International College Counselors Scholarship. And we sponsored numerous high schools and organizations through gift donations and other pro bono work. We also started an initiative in December where ICC gave $100 to each new client’s charity of choice.
6. For students and professionals, our sister company, Edit the Work, provided professional editing and proofreading help on college and high school essays as well as resume review. This business grew exponentially in December, as we welcomed dozens of new seniors who required last-minute application reviews and essay support.
7. For families who have students trying to get into private middle and high schools, we continued to offer the SSAT Flex Test at our Ft. Lauderdale office as ICC is an approved SSAT Flex Testing Center.
8. We have rapidly expanded our K-12 School Placement business, including not just boarding school, but also school placement for families moving or residing in South Florida.
We are proud of the contribution we are making to future generations through education, and we thank you again for your continued support and confidence.
We’re looking forward to a safe and healthy 2021!
Warmest regards,
The International College Counselors Team