ICC Blog


8 Tips for 2020 College Admissions Amid the Coronavirus Crisis

The coronavirus has emptied dorms, disrupted graduations, and pushed courses online. It has also upended the college admissions cycle in so many ways. For undergraduate institutions the impact has varied. Here is what to expect in the admissions process:   1. Decisions will be released on time. Colleges want to get students enrolled.   2. Changes in…

Nine Tips for Choosing the Right High School Courses

Nine Tips for Choosing the Right High School Courses

The courses a student takes in high school are important.  More than academic aptitude, class choice demonstrates a student’s initiative and drive. No one class on a transcript will alter a college acceptance or denial, but the combination of classes can make or break a student’s chances.      Here are some tips to guide you: 1. Meet the…

8 Tips for Winning College Scholarships

8 Tips for Winning College Scholarships

Can you make a short movie on the dangers of distracted driving?  Are you a leader? Are you tall?  There is a scholarship for you!  Even if your grades aren’t stellar. Scholarships are specified for students based on grade, ethnicity, religion, personalities, hobbies, choice of majors, family history, types of service projects, organizations, skills, ability to answer essay…

Apply for Scholarships to Get Free Money

Apply for Scholarships to Get Free Money

Want free money for college?  Apply for scholarships, including one offered by International College Counselors: https://bit.ly/36drjwQ   There are hundreds of thousands of scholarships.  Most interestingly, each scholarship is looking for something different.  Even if a student’s grades aren’t the best, there are still scholarships for them. Scholarships are available for students based on ethnicity, religion, personalities, hobbies, choice…