ICC Blog

Apply for Scholarships to Get Free Money

Apply for Scholarships to Get Free Money

Want free money for college?  Apply for scholarships, including one offered by International College Counselors: https://bit.ly/36drjwQ   There are hundreds of thousands of scholarships.  Most interestingly, each scholarship is looking for something different.  Even if a student’s grades aren’t the best, there are still scholarships for them. Scholarships are available for students based on ethnicity, religion, personalities, hobbies, choice…

ICC’s Best College Movies of All Time Goes To…

ICC’s Best College Movies of All Time Goes To…

In anticipation of the Oscars, International College Counselors’ resident film and documentary experts Andy Greenspan and Sam Johnson are providing their “Top 5 College Movies of All Time.” Whether they get you psyched to go to college or teach you a lesson about what do (or not do) with your degree, they’re all worth a…

2020 sign

10 of the Best New Year Resolutions for High School Students

It’s 2020!  A new year, a new decade!  There’s plenty of time to add resolutions to your list. International College Counselors has a few suggestions which can launch you into a strong college trajectory. Commit to getting good grades. You’ve been working hard to get to this point for 10+ years.  You can’t win by quitting before the finish…

8 Tips for Handling a College Deferral

8 Tips for Handling a College Deferral

Many students who apply to college Early Decision or Early Action find that they’ve been deferred. Remember, a deferral does not equal rejection! The college is asking for additional time to make their decision. Oftentimes the college needs more information about either the individual student or their applicant pool. Fortunately, there are things students can…