international college counselors

10 Ways of Handling the Other March Madness: College Acceptances and Rejections

March madness is here. Anxiety is in full swing. Surprising to many, the craziness has nothing to do with basketball and brackets.  Students and parents are thinking of college admissions. It’s around that time acceptance letters are on their way – or will soon be on their way. Parents need to be the supportive rock,…

How To Work with Your High School College Counselor

A high school guidance counselor can be very helpful when applying to college. Guidance counselors are there to help students succeed.  They may help students plan their high school schedules, find “best-fit” colleges, fill out applications, write letters of recommendation, find scholarships, and more. Students, at your meeting, be friendly, but respectful, and let your…

The College Application is Submitted, but There’s Still Work to Do

For most high school Seniors, the college application season has come to an end. But submitting the application is not necessarily the end of the process.  There is still work that can – and needs – to get done by students who really want to get accepted to a favorite school. Check the status of…