International College Counselors blog

The Antidote to Uncertain Times?  Consider Graduate School

The Antidote to Uncertain Times? Consider Graduate School

Soon-to-be college graduates may find it difficult to land a job for reasons having nothing to do with them–and everything to do with the coronavirus. One option students in this position may want to consider is graduate school. Grad school can be a real opportunity to increase future earning potential while riding out a tough…

The Latest on AP, SAT and ACT Testing

The Latest on AP, SAT and ACT Testing

Each new day of the COVID-19 crisis brings changes. However, what doesn’t change is International College Counselors’ commitment to delivering dedicated service and the latest news to our families. Standardized testing options have particularly been impacted by the pandemic. Listed here are the most recent updates from the world of testing. SAT: The College Board…

10 Tips for Making the Best Decision on College Decision Day

10 Tips for Making the Best Decision on College Decision Day

Traditionally, May 1 has been designated as Decision Day, the day when high school seniors commit to a college by submitting their deposits for the coming academic year. As everyone across the world copes with coronavirus, more than 300 colleges and universities have moved back their commitment deadline to June 1. For many, the pushing back…

Coronavirus Causes Students to Consider “Plan B” for the Summer

Coronavirus Causes Students to Consider “Plan B” for the Summer

  As the coronavirus continues to spread across the globe, a number of camps, colleges, and universities are cancelling their on-site summer programs. If your summer program has been cancelled, there are still ways you can make the most of your summer.     1. Take a college summer program online. Quite a number of colleges are…